just a reminder that this is the OLD blog :)
I've tried to update all former links to the NEW BLOG: www.alyciablog.com
If you haven't subscribed yet, be sure to do so!
Here's a little of what you are missing...
just a reminder that this is the OLD blog :)
I've tried to update all former links to the NEW BLOG: www.alyciablog.com
If you haven't subscribed yet, be sure to do so!
Here's a little of what you are missing...
11:19 AM | Permalink | Comments (1)
so the "new and improved" blog, has just launched... be sure to bookmark the NEW blog:
See you there!!
(more new things in the works too!!!)
02:12 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
okay, so I got a *blog lashing* from someone (he hem. Laurie!!! *S*)... and I actually have some blogs "in the works"...but I'm trying to catch up on some things after the long weekend, so in the meantime, I thought I'd share one of my latest purchases. I have walked past this bag several times in Target (I just LOVE LOVE LOVE target! it's my addiction!)...and it always made me smile. It's just the most RIDICULOUS thing! and so I passed it...and passed it....and passed it...and then as I was running errands on Monday, after returning from the holiday weekend, I decided that anything that makes me smile so often (I passed it many times LOL!)... I should own. and now I do...and it makes me smile. :)
12:22 PM | Permalink | Comments (1)
okay... so I dont know if "SECRET re-DO!" is a thing from the South or... hmm, rather, something I MADE UP? I am going to say that it's a SOUTHERN term. (do not ATTEMPT to wikipedia this.. I have NO IDEA what will surface!)... At any rate, I will just go on to explain my own personal DEEP meaning of "SECRET re-DO"...
I am very fond of the "SECRET re-DO".... so all of you confused northerners (and southerners who are like "um no. that's NOT southern. YOU MADE it up!"--hey... just roll with me and say you knew it was southern, Kay?)
In Bowling...yes. I said BOWLING. (get over it.).. (by the by... my first B in college --besides A's that is--was in TENNIS, the upper class sport...but never fear... I SAILED through BOWLING...make no judgements my friends!) okay...where was I? oh yes... in bowling... (before modern technology, which makes the "SECRET re-DO" way harder, I have to SAY!!)... When you bowl something less desirable... say a GUTTER ball (not me, just *say*)... then you hit the RESET button. and then. scream (if you are honorable, as I am)... SECRET re-DO!!!! The translation is... woah. I just messed that one up. But I didn't mean to. I want to START over. START fresh. NEW beginnings.
okay. so some of you are thinking this is WAY too much thought for BOWLING... (okay, so maybe)... but I'm a fan! I'm a fan of the SECRET re-DO! So here I go! This is my NEW new years DAY! It's been a long, tough, rough, beautiful, amazing, bittersweet, MONTH. And this. is my SECRET re-DO. This is my NEW YEARS RESOLUTION!
Here are my beautiful children's Christmas pictures that went nowhere, except to my HEART. I am proud that I, at least, took them (COBBLER's kids! LOL!)... but here they are. Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah, Happy New Year... and everything! 2008 (in the *almost* middle-ha!) has lots of new and exciting changes! I am adding all new bags and jewelry and new things to hang in your beautiful homes!
I am blessed to know all of my wonderful clients with their beautiful children who grow an INCH a day, it seems! And my amazing photographer friends who inspire me daily! Here's a NEW YEAR's TOAST to you!
And to this "SECRET re-DO"... I am redoing my Resolutions...one of which, was to update my blog weekly at a minimum.... enjoy my beautiful babies... Andrew, 12, Gabriela, 8 and Chula, 3. :::CHEERS::::
11:07 PM | Permalink | Comments (2)
Okay... so I've been *it* since September (hey, let's be honest. I'm always *IT* hee hee!)
I supposed to share 8 random things about me that maybe some people may not know. Soooo... after a few months (hey. who's counting?) Here's a few Random "Alycia Facts"
actually, while we are on the subject, tho it's not really an "Alycia Fact" (tho really, it is)....an FYI.. my name is Alycia. Maiden name... Savage. Alycia. as in.... "UH. LISH. UH". as in... "alycia fisha disha".... I will answer to a little bit of everything (long as it's nice *S*).... but if you MUST know... it's UH-LISH-UH.
okay... on to randomness.
1. this may not be random. I have two gorgeous *babies*... Andrew, 12 and Gabriela, 7. I am crazy about these *little* people and they inspire me to be a better mom and person daily. I was pretty young when I had my *little* guy (um, he's in middle school and soon to be WAY taller than me... yea yea, i'm only 5'2", but still! freaky town!)....I've grown up alot and learned alot. I love these guys with all my heart.
2. I love love love to sing and DANCE. If I couldn't be a photographer, I would have prayed to God to make me a great singer and/or dancer (probably dancer first... LOVE LOVE LOVE to dance!). I'm all about a little karoke (yea yea. i know. lame-o....whatever. get over it. ha!). LOVE me some "so you think you can dance* (bought gabs and me FRONT row tickets to see them last fall! amazing!). Love all music from musicals to rap! my itunes list is crazy town! ;) I took a year off of college in 1993 to travel with a group called Up With People http://www.upwithpeople.org/ . This year of my life was one of the most amazing.... I spent a year with 150 other people from 25 other countries and we traveled the WORLD including many countries in Western Europe, staying with host families the entire time. I did do some singing and dancing during that year... what a blast (yea yea... check out the SCRUNCHIE action! I still LOVE MY SCRUNCHIES! don't be a hatah!)
3. K. so speaking of college... my bachelors is in Social Work. Love it. Loved working with people. Had Andrew right after college and wanted to stay home with him... I had taken Photography as an elective EVERY semester (old school; film, dark room etc....) FELL IN LOVE! (hmmm....can you guess what that lead to? *S*)
4. Okay, so mentioned the photography... loved it. threw sheets over my canopy to make backgrounds... started scrapbooking like a mad woman (totally obsessed...we are talking stitching, wiring etc). I worked for a few magazines actually. It was a good thing b/c it forced me to want to get better w/ my portraiture!
5. hmmm. five. okay. i'm a military brat. i'm not FROM anywhere. born in VA. moved to IL, then mississippi then texas then mississippi then texas then arkansas (finished HS and college THERE) then north carolina then oklahoma then arkansas then florida. Been here for almost FIVE years! could be a RECORD!!! :) Go southerners! :) hahahhaha!
6. I'm the oldest of 3 kiddos... my brother actually died of a heart disease (he got when he was 8) when he was 14 and i was almost 18. My sis is11 years younger and getting married this MAY!!!!! so exciting!!!
7. I love dolphins. LOVE them. LOVE LOVE LOVE them :)
andom enough? enjoy! more to come...........
06:52 PM | Permalink | Comments (1)
Happy 2008!! Yep, despite the rumors... I *AM* alive and living! ;) beit, "just barely" after this last holiday season (hahaha!). Just kidding... sorta kinda sorta. :::winks:::
That said, I'm looking forward to diving into the NEW year of 2008! I have lots of new and exciting ideas and plans for the studio and my life! Stay tuned to the blog for LOTS of ideas (oh and a 2007 review of all the things I meant to post, but didn't!)
To start off... all of you LOYAL blog stalkers who have held out hope, remained faithful, and still checked in every now and again to see if I might actually post something... shall be REWARDED! I'm technically not "back in the studio" until the 8th, but for the first 25 clients to email me and tell me that they were "keepin' the faith" (put this in the SUBJECT line) will receive a $25 certificate to be used in 2008 at the studio! I'll announce the winners next week. [email protected]
Be checking back for more specials and announcements in the works RIGHT now!
On that note.... Thanks to everyone for an AMAZING 2007. It seemed to fly by fast and furious for me... I am truly blessed to share in the lives of so many incredible families and children. I love watching these little guys grow up right before my eyes, and having the opportunity to capture those fleeting moments. For my high school seniors... it has also been a pleasure to capture such a life changing moment in YOUR lives... you will one day look back on those portraits and wonder WHO was that person? I hope that I could capture WHO you are now so that you will remember... The best things are yet to come... here's to 2008! (click link to see FULL version)
08:45 AM | Permalink | Comments (1)
One of my favorite clients was in recently for a *different* type of session... She is the owner of one of the CUTEST *baby clothes* website EVER!!! Check her out: Baby Rock Apparel .....
We did a recent session with her two cutie pie boys and a few friends.... it was so fun to do some *rocker* images... sorta different than the *regular*... here's a few favorites... first one is designed by their own graphic designer...I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!! how cute is that???
oh and by the way.... if you love their products as much as I do... go shopping, and then enter the COUPON CODE "alycia" for 25% off!!! Kim (the owner) ROCKS!!!! :)
01:24 AM | Permalink | Comments (2)
Well, I thought I had it figured out... but apparently NOT. Now, not only do I NOT have email... I have no website. I am trying my best to get this fixed asap... If you have sent me an email recently and not received a response, I most likely did NOT get it yet. In the meantime, please email any questions or concerns to my temporary email addres: [email protected] . I apologize for the inconvenience and hope to get this sorted out SOON!
12:57 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
okay faithful blog stalkers... it's been a whirlwind summer and I have lots of fun pics to share from several fun times and GREAT clients! We are now back to our "regularly scheduled program" so to speak...SCHOOL started so it's back to bedtimes and alarm clocks, homework and field trips... I always have an array of feelings when the summer is over. I miss the freedom from all the schedules w/ the kiddos and not having to check folders to see what I have to sign or who I have to send some $ to (haha!)... but then I also am grateful for the return of the routine and a bit more structure again.
That said... I've had some server chaos the past couple weeks. I had a major email snafu and there was a period of time I didn't get ANY emails and then there's a several days when I sent SEVERAL emails from my web based server only to realize in the past few days that none of them went anywhere (except cyberspace?? crazy!)... I'm trying to find out when the last emails went out, so if you sent me an email and haven't heard back lately, thanks for your patience while I try to figure it all out! :) You may want to resend any emails just to be sure and I'll try to get right back to you asap so you know I received it!
So on that note... a few pics while I try to clean up my email mess...gotta love technology!!
oh and PS... my son started MIDDLE school (6th grade!)... NOT the highlight of my year :( i am not quite sure how I can have a son THIS *old*.... alas however... I do... sighhh.... And my gab-a-roo is a BIG ol' 2nd grader! (whew, easier grade to handle! Ha!)
10:43 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Recently, I had a *fellow* photographer fly down to Tampa to visit my studio and she just *happened* to be pregnant... I decided to *use* her to play with a new idea I've had lately. She's just such a gorgeous and, albeit a cliche, GLOWING pregnant woman.... I had such a blast and love these new images.
Here's a few to share and give *you* ideas for what to bring to your maternity session (ps i have the gloves, fabric and BLING!)
02:11 PM | Permalink | Comments (1)